Pray with Me

I talk to the River. I tell her what I am dreaming about and what I am wishing for and I thank her for being in my life. I am not sure of the exact day that I started taking walks in the morning before work, but I can tell you that it is an important start to my day now to the point that I get up earlier just to make sure I have the time to stop. It began as a way to ease into my day and add a little bit more exercise, but has turned into a way to not only add physical exercise, but also mental and spiritual contentment by spending time with a dear friend.

One day I had some extra time at the River and so I walked down the dirt path to her banks. I don’t remember picking up the stick, but I did and was drawing hearts in the sand before I knew it. I wrote the word “love” and surrounded it with more hearts. I was feeling love and sending it out to the bees, to the birds, the plants, the river, my family and anyone else who might need love. I spoke about my dreams to the River and asked her what she dreamed about. I walked back up the path and continued on with my day after saying goodbye to the river. I spoke to Her most mornings and considered her alive and listening, but I had yet to receive a direct message. I did not think of it as her not speaking to me, but more of me not knowing how to listen. I was OK with that because I knew she had patience and I enjoyed our walks together already.

That night, I dreamt of a River. It was a dry river bed and I crossed it. I felt that the River was about to fill in and and I heard her speak to me. “Pray with me. I want to hear your prayers.” I ran into the middle of the dry river bed and wrote my prayers with a stick just in time as the water filled in.

The next morning, I realized that the River answered my question. She dreams about praying with me! I was so excited to get to the River for my walk and see what the banks held where I wrote to her the day before. I ran down the path and saw that the River had swelled overnight and was now covering the sandy banks that I had walked upon yesterday and wrote my prayers.

I knew she had patience and I knew she was a good teacher. I just had to ask and listen. Each day I walk with her and talk with her and share my prayers and dreams with her. Now, I know how to listen to her dreams and prayers in return. She has always been my friend, but now, I have become hers and re-entered back into my sacred relationship with her.

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