Grow a Yarden

Entering into a relationship with the land you live on is one of the most rewarding things you can do though it is something we have not been taught to do. It is one of the best steps you can take to heal the land, which in turn, helps you to become healthier at the same time!

Melissa Bee’s Blog at DragonFly Hill


Do you remember how it felt as a child when you did not have expectations of controlling the environment around you and were enchanted by everything you saw, observed everything with all of your senses because it was all new so your mind was open? That is how you want to feel on your land now. Be excited and surprised to see what changes happen on your land as you allow it to be. Celebrate when you see a new insect or animal investigating the wildness and welcome them back. So much returns when we let go of a bit of control and we find out what the land really needs. We find out quite a bit about ourselves too as we rewild our minds and hearts.

Creating an ARK

Learn how to create an ARK (Acts of Restorative Kindness) with your yarden. Many movements are beginning with the same purpose of restoring our connection to the natural environment. Whatever you want to call it or however you want to do it, hear the call and find your own way of connection.

We are the Ark.

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